Era’s Journal of Medical Research: EJMR


Introduction to EJMR

Era’s Journal of Medical Research (EJMR) is a prestigious, peer-reviewed medical journal that publishes high-quality research articles, reviews, case reports, and editorials in the field of medical sciences.

It is a valuable resource for researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals worldwide, providing cutting-edge information and insights into various aspects of medicine.

What is EJMR?

EJMR is an international, open-access journal dedicated to advancing medical knowledge and practice. It aims to disseminate significant findings and innovations in the medical field, promote evidence-based practices, and foster a global exchange of ideas.

The journal covers various topics, including clinical studies, experimental research, public health, medical education, and healthcare policy.

Features of EJMR

Era’s Journal of Medical Research: EJMR

Comprehensive Coverage

EJMR offers comprehensive coverage of medical research, encompassing various specialities and disciplines. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Clinical Medicine: Research and reviews on diagnostics, treatment, and patient management.
  • Public Health: Studies on epidemiology, disease prevention, and health promotion.
  • Medical Education: Innovations in teaching methods and curriculum development.
  • Healthcare Policy: Analyses of healthcare systems, policies, and their impacts.

Peer-Reviewed Quality

All submissions to EJMR undergo a rigorous peer-review process conducted by experts in the relevant fields. This ensures the publication of high-quality, credible, and impactful research.

Open Access

EJMR is an open-access journal, meaning all articles are freely available to the public. This promotes greater visibility and accessibility of research findings, allowing a broader audience to benefit from shared knowledge.

Regular Updates

EJMR publishes new issues quarterly, ensuring a steady flow of current research and developments in the medical field. Each issue features a diverse collection of articles reflecting the latest trends and discoveries.

How to Submit to EJMR

Submitting an article to EJMR is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Prepare Your Manuscript: Follow the journal’s submission guidelines, including formatting and referencing styles.
  2. Submit Online: Use the online submission portal to upload your manuscript and any supplementary materials.
  3. Peer Review: Your submission will be reviewed by experts, who will provide feedback and recommendations.
  4. Revise and Resubmit: Make the required revisions and resubmit your manuscript.
  5. Publication: Once accepted, your article will be published in the next available issue.

H3: Table of Recent Articles in EJMR

TitleAuthorsPublication DateCategory
The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental HealthDr. A. Sharma, Dr. R. GuptaJanuary 2024Public Health
Advances in Cardiovascular SurgeryDr. M. Singh, Dr. K. PatelApril 2024Clinical Medicine
Innovative Teaching Methods in Medical EducationDr. S. Verma, Dr. T. KhanJuly 2023Medical Education
Health Policy Analysis: Universal HealthcareDr. J. Brown, Dr. L. DavisOctober 2023Healthcare Policy

Facts and Figures

  • Impact Factor: 4.5
  • Acceptance Rate: 25%
  • Publication Frequency: Quarterly
  • Article Types: Research articles, reviews, case reports, editorials
  • Average Review Time: 6 weeks

Pros and Cons of EJMR


  • High-Quality Research: A rigorous peer-review process ensures credible and impactful articles.
  • Open Access: Freely available articles increase visibility and accessibility.
  • Diverse Topics: A wide range of medical disciplines covered.
  • Global Reach: International authors and readership.


  • High Submission Standards: A rigorous review process may be challenging for some authors.
  • Publication Fees: Authors may be required to pay article processing charges (APCs).
  • Intense Competition: High-quality standards result in a competitive acceptance rate.


Era’s Journal of Medical Research (EJMR) is a leading platform for disseminating significant medical research. Its commitment to quality, open-access policy, and comprehensive coverage make it an invaluable resource for the medical community.

Despite the competitive nature of submissions, the benefits of publishing with EJMR, such as increased visibility and credibility, are well worth the effort.


What types of articles does EJMR publish?

EJMR publishes various articles, including research articles, reviews, case reports, and editorials, across multiple medical disciplines.

How often is EJMR published?

EJMR is published quarterly, with new issues released in January, April, July, and October.

Is EJMR an open-access journal?

Yes, EJMR is an open-access journal, meaning all articles are freely available to the public.

What is the impact factor of EJMR?

The impact factor of EJMR is 4.5, indicating its published research’s high citation rate and influence.

How can I submit my article to EJMR?

You can submit your article through EJMR’s online submission portal, following the guidelines provided on their website.


By adhering to these guidelines, you can contribute to the esteemed Era’s Journal of Medical Research and share your findings with the global medical community.

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